Make Sure Your Beard Is Always Well-Maintained

The days of scraggly hobo beards are gone. Well groomed, healthy beards are very much in. Let’s face it, no one will ask to touch your beard if it looks like you just came off the mountain after being lost in the woods for 10 days. Stinky, scratchy, wild beards are just plain nasty. So, what does grooming a beard entail and why do you need to do it? 

Beard hair functions similarly to any other hair on your body, but most importantly the hair on your head. You wash your hair often, right? Brush, style and smooth it, right? It’s ok if you don’t, but let’s just say you do. Your beard requires the very same care to look and feel its best. Feeling itchy or flakey? Does your significant other hate to touch your beard? Are you feeling like shaving the whole thing off? Proper care can alleviate all of these things.

Why do I need to wash my beard with specific products instead of body wash?

Well, dude, remember your beard hair is special. It’s not under arm or leg hair. It’s on your face. Let’s care for it correctly. Pick a beard care soap that is non drying aka moisturizing. You don’t want all of the oils stripped from your beard even if you are going to use beard oil. It’s the same thing as using conditioner on your head. 

So, I need to wash my beard. Then what?

A good brush or comb is key. You don’t want to break the follicles so don’t use plastic. Wood and boar hair are a great combo for keeping your locks luscious. Brush and/or comb after patting dry out of the shower. Do not rub your towel against your beard. This creates damage to the follicles. Pat gently please. 

The Oil Process

You’ve washed, you’ve brushed and you’re ready for the most important part. Beard hair wicks moisture away from your skin so beard oil isn’t just for your hair, it is for your skin, too. Are you one of those guys who doesn’t use face products? Tisk tisk. That’s a big no-no. Caring for your skin is important, dude. Beard oil is essential to the beard care process because it protects, nourishes and moisturizes. Some oils inspire growth with special ingredients and others do that and more. Pick an oil that helps growth, moisturizes the hair and your skin and offers other properties like antioxidants and free radical protection. Don’t be shy about using more than enough oil if your skin is dry and flakey. If your skin and beard tend to be oily, dial down the amount. Play around and see what’s right for you. Make sure to rub the oil into your skin well, not just on the beard hair itself. Brush the oil through the hair for even distribution and then marvel at the luster. 

What about balms?

Balms are more concentrated and use thicker more solid substances like shea butter. They have the consistency of butter, actually. Balms are great for a deep conditioning treatment if you have super dry hair and skin. 

Beard wax

Ok, so there’s oil and balm, but what about wax? Wax is like gel for beards, but a lot thicker and stickier. Wax coats the hair and allows you to bend and sculpt the hair. If you want to play around with your mustache and create some funky styles you will use wax. If you want your beard to part or be a funky shape, you’ll use wax. If you are going to be out in the wind and need your beard to stay still, then use wax.

No matter what you use to groom your beard, groom your beard. You will be stoked with the results and so will anyone that sees or smells or touches your beard. Guaranteed.